RESOURCES Here is some helpful information for you on various properties and the physical nature of glass and the elements that can effect them.
U-value is a measure of heat transfer due to outdoor/indoor temperature difference. Used almost exclusively to describe the heat loss of material.
Q = U A (T high – T low)
Heat = (U value) (area) (Temp. Difference)
R = 1/U The higher the R-value, the less heat transfer
Shading coefficient (SC) is a ratio of the Solar Factor of the glass in question to the Solar Factor of 1/8" clear glass (0.87).
Therefore, SC = Solar Factor/0.87
The lower the number, the less heat into the building.
A number that represents the amount of heat entering a building due to both solar radiation and conductive/convective heat gain. Calculated for a specific environmental condition.
RHG = Solar Transmission + Cond/Conv. Heat Gain
85 –90%,10 – 15%
RHG, SC, and SHGC are all ways of answering the same question – How much heat gets into the building?
Lump of Coal ..................1.00
Uncoated Glass ...............0.84
Reflective Glass ...............0.40
Pyrolitic Glass ..................0.15
Soft Coat Low-e .............0.09
Heat Mirror – 66 .............0.04
Tin Foil ............................0.00
Emissivity: a measure of how readily a surface absorbs and emits infrared energy (the lower the emissivity, the less infrared the glazing absorbs. Emissivity is the heat-emitting (or radiating) propensity of a surface. The emissivity number compares a given surface with that of a perfect radiator, called a blackbody (emissivity of 1). Ordinary window glass has an emissivity of 0.84, meaning it absorbs and emits 84% of the radiant heat.